

Louisiana Libraries Interview with Ava by Dayne Sherman.

Country Roads Magazine, “Louisiana’s Poet Laureate” by Christie Matherne Hall.

My craft-tip in Diane Lockwood’s poetry newsletter, September 2014.

Washington Independent Review of Books features a great review of Eldest Daughter by Grace Cavalieri.

Swamp Lily features another fantastic review of Eldest Daughter by Leslie Schultz.

Dig features an Interview with Ava: “Pelican Poetry — Louisiana’s Poet Laureate on craft, publishing and rejection.

Shreveport Times features an article about my visit: “Students get lesson from state poet laureate.” 

Louisiana Life chooses Ava as one of their “8Louisianians of The Year.”

Poetry Magazine with “All Good Slides Are Slippery” a portfolio of poems, including one of Ava’s, collected by Daniel Handler (a.k.a. Lemony Snicket) and featuring illustrations by Chris Raschka.

The Advocate with a feature article on Ava’s work and appointment as Poet Laureate of Lousiana: “Louisiana is a wonderful place to write poetry…”

Cumberland River Review with the poem, “Aubade,” from Eldest Daughter.

Gris-Gris with the poem, “The Way We See It,” from Eldest Daughter.

Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Poetry Prize 2011 for Why The House Is Made of Gingerbread.

tweetspeak with one of the poems from Why the House Is Made of Gingerbread for National Poetry Month.

LSU Press This fantastic press is operated through Louisiana State University and based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Poetry Magazine with “Festival of Lights” and “God of Luck.”

Writerly Wednesday, a discussion about how some of the poems from Why The House Is Made of Gingerbread evolved. Thank you, Angie!

Poem-a-Day The Academy of American Poets website posts a single poem each day. This was one of mine from July 2010. On this same website, you can sign up to receive the Poem-a-Day email, a free service.

Poetry Friday: Ava Leavell Haymon’s “Aphrodite” A poem about a cat, and a review from Women’s Voices for Change.

Readers & Writers A reading series that brings writers of national reputation to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I have been Co-director of the series for years.

The Southern Review I am on the advisory board for this wonderful journal.